Class Rules and Behavior Plan


I would like to take a moment to go over the classroom discipline and behavior steps.  I believe in giving children natural consequences as often as possible.  A natural consequence is what happens as a result of what should have been done, but wasn’t.  For example, if a child is not doing work during work time, the child will then have to complete the work during recess or play time since they chose not to work in the time given.   Another example would be if a child cannot have appropriate behavior in a group setting, they may be asked to sit out of an activity until they can show appropriate behavior.  Prior to the consequence, a child will receive a warning, and also a reminder of what will happen if their behavior does not change.  Please remember that school and class work come first.  While I believe that recess and playtime are important parts of a child’s day, school work must come first.  I want your child to be successful and work to their potential which means they will need to try and give their best effort.

Some behavior is considered serious and will result in a disciplinary referral.  Please see me for a copy of the referral to see the different actions or behaviors that are considered ‘serious.’  They include, hitting, kicking, spitting, stealing, threatening, and disruptive behavior.  School is a safe place and it is my job to make sure that all children are provided a safe and learning friendly environment. 

Please remind your child of the three school rules:

1. Be Respectful

2. Be Responsible

3. Be Safe 

With your help at home in following through with discipline, I believe we can make this a fun, productive, and successful school year! J




Here is a list of some of our classroom policies.

§  Lunch Money  

o   Please put your child’s lunch money in a small envelope with their name on it.  Envelops will be collected in the morning and returned to them at lunchtime.  We will not be responsible for lost money that is not in an envelope.  *Children will not be allowed to buy snacks until they eat their lunch.  If your child chooses to buy cookies, they will be limited to buying only 1 or 2.

§    Snacks 

o   We will have daily snack time.  Your child is responsible for bringing their own snack every day.  Candy will not be allowed during snack time.  Please try to pack your child a healthy snack such as: crackers, fruit, vegetables, muffins, pretzels, popcorn, or dried cereal.  I also encourage you to send a water bottle for your child to drink throughout the day.

§  Birthdays

o   If you choose to celebrate your child’s birthday in our classroom, please let me know.  It is easiest for me when the treats are fairly simple to pass out, such as cupcakes, cookies, individual juice boxes, etc.  All students really enjoy celebrating their friend’s birthdays!  Please let me know if you do not celebrate birthdays due to religious or any other reasons. *Please let me know if your child has any food allergies and/or food restrictions!